Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Theravada Buddhism Has Been The Pre Dominant Religion /...
Theravada Buddhism has been the pre dominant religion/school in the continental south-east Asia, it is mainly found in sir Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Taiwan and Lous. Today Theravada Buddhist is a group which has well over 100,000,000 member’s world-wide. Theravada is considered to be the soul-survivor of the traditional and original Buddhism. It implies rather traditional and the strictest moral field of teaching. Theravada concentrates on monks and nuns, those who give full devotion to god. They live their lives only by the traditional teachings of the Buddha.The followers for Theravada Buddhism take refuge in the three jewels (which consist of the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha), they also hold high regard for the teachings of Karma, Samsara and Nirvana. Celebrations are a major aspect for Theravada Buddhists but they only have 3 celebrations annually; Buddha’s birthday, the day Buddha was enlightened and the Luna Quarters (crescent moon, first-quarte r moon, gibbous moon, and full moon) it is shunned upon to celebrate occasions other than these because they believe it decreases the value of festivities. Unfortunately the Theravada Buddhists don’t believe in equality for men and women, they still respect and honour women but they believe that women cannot reach the spiritual greatness that mean can quire, this is why only men can be enlightened (those who are enlightened are given the name of arhats). But if a women’s karmic energy is very good, theyShow MoreRelatedThe Religion Of The Hajj1734 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout time, many aspects of life have changed in drastic ways. One common thing around the world, no matter where you are, that has evolved is over time is religion. One religion that has changed has been Islam. Something that unites all Muslims is a common belief they have; The Five Pillars. These Pillars allow the Muslim community to become one regardless of their social statue. One of the most changed of these would be the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Also known as the Hajj, â€Å" Every adult MuslimRead MoreThe Impact Of Theravada Buddhism On The Western South East Asia2973 Words  | 12 Pages1a. Theravada Buddhism has been the pre dominant religion/school in the continental south-east Asia, it is mainly found in sir Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Taiwan and Lous. Today Theravada Buddhist is a group which has well over 100,000,000 member’s world-wide. Theravada is considered to be the soul-survivor of the traditional and original Buddhism. It implies rather traditional and the strictest moral field of teaching. Theravada concentrates on monks and nuns, those who give fullRead MoreMaking Moral Decisions in Different Religious Context.8874 Words  | 36 Pagesworld religions. 1 Indian origin –Buddhism and Hinduism 2 Chinese origin –Taoism and Confucianism 3 Semitic origin –Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Chapter two: (A)-How to make a moral decision? Human as a moral agent analysing their†¦ 1 Background 2 Experience 3 Religion 4 Conscience 5 (B)- Catholic Moral Theory and the Three Font Principle. 1 Act 2 Motive 3 Circumstance Chapter three: The business of morality in each specific Religion. Conclusion: Does religion make aRead MoreCambodia4428 Words  | 18 Pagesthe areas of economic growth, social development, and political development has been stymied will be investigated. A comprehensive look at the educational system of Cambodia will be reviewed along with urban development. History Cambodia is juxtaposed on mainland Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam (2010). Because of Cambodia’s location, it has long been vulnerable to foreign territorial ambitions. Cambodia has struggled to maintain self-identity and survival as a nation (1993). The
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